We Care
You are unique.
So are your finances.
That's why the Fort Worth Youth Orchestra is dedicated to ensuring you can participate regardless of your income.
Fill out the aid form above and attach your most recent tax return
Return to your program manager or email to financial.aid (at) fwyo.org
Our financial aid committee meets several times a year to make aid decisions. Generally speaking you can expect the following:
Deadline: July 15 - Decision Early August
Deadline: October 15 - Decision Early November
Deadline: December 15 - Decision Mid-January
Deadline: May 15 - Decision early June
Ensemble financial aid applications may be submitted after you are accepted.
Suzuki financial aid applications are still paper applications here until further notice
Merit awards for top chair holders and solo competition winners
Automatically considered
Tuition discounts for those with a demonstrated need
Must Apply
FWYO targets aid for specific purposes including underrepresented individuals
Must Apply